Monday, March 14, 2022

Fifi and Paisley Discuss Current Events and Mandelbrot the Tree

Fifi Cat and Sir Paisley Winterbottom engaged in a heated dialogue

Fifi: I originally wanted to talk about OFFSHOOT 2 -- ENTROPIS, but so much has gone on in the human world that pertains to this book as-a-whole

Paisley: Are you referring to Russia invading Ukraine?

Fifi: Yes, but more specifically the resulting spike in oil prices. That is eerily familiar to the surreal conflation of coffee and oil in Mandelbrot. The book literally describes coffee stations that pump out gallons of coffee from gas pumps. Customers drink gallons of coffee a day to maintain the energy levels they need to function in the Hectic world

Paisley: And then chaos happens in the market and the coffee supplies can't get to the coffee stations. The coffee price triples. In a panic, the customers line up in their cars to get the last drops of "black gold" before it runs out.

Fifi: It's like the Jimmy Carter presidency meets Starbucks... And when the customers can't get their coffee they fall into a "Great Depression."

Paisley: It seems like a fractal way to emphasize an oil addiction, doesn't it? On the individual level, The Noah is talking about people's coffee addiction. On the grander scale, he is communicating something about the human world's oil addiction.

Fifi: The fractal theme is most prominent in the Mandelbrot section. Mandelbrot, as an individual tree, is addicted to oil, or crude as he calls it. Mandelbrot reveals to us that his cells are human beings.

Paisley: The progression of his disease correlates to the problems that oil has inflicted onto humans on a global scale.

Fifi: At the end of the book a solution of sorts grows organically from the dialogue of Hectic and Inchoate. 

Paisley: Let's save that for another blog.


Saturday, March 5, 2022

Fifi and Paisley Discuss the Flow of Time in Mandelbrot


Fifi: The way that time unfolds in Mandelbrot is confusing, and it makes the story line hard to follow. 

Paisley: I didn't have a hard time following the narrative, but I found it impossible to follow the story line. 

Fifi: I don't understand the distinction you're making between story line and narrative. 

Paisley: For me, a storyline implies events unfolding in a linear fashion -- like on a line. When I think of the word storyline, I think of a distinct past, present and future. A narrative, on the other hand, is the way in which the events are portrayed. It's a perspective or philosophy of the word

Fifi: So I guess our Noah is trying to show us that the world is fragmented and chaotic, 

Paisley: The Noah does seem like he is very much interested in Chaos Theory. I suspect, however that his conception of chaos is different than the convention. Fragmented, but in a sense connected at the same time. 

Fifi: This reminds me about a time the Noah was listening to Charles Ives' fourth symphony. He was saying something about different melodies forming layers that drifted into each other. The music to me sounded fragmented, but also part of a greater whole. 

Paisley: Perhaps, it was like a musical lasagna that has had time to age in the refrigerator. There are different layers of ingredients, but their flavors interfuse into each other. They are both separate and together.

Fifi: Perhaps with the narrative in Mandelbrot, the Noah is creating a "time lasagna" so to speak. When I think of it that way, I can imagine different layers of time. 

Paisley: Yes, on one level there is time from the perspective of life on this planet that was emphasized at the very beginning of the story

Fifi: To me, that section seemed more like the development of consciousness, not so much biological life.

Paisley: Maybe those are two interfusing layers.

Fifi: I think there is also time from the perspective of Gregor, the main character

Paisley: He's sort of a main character, but then he transforms into that weird "Hectic Norder." 

Fifi; Yes, as I remember Hectic's body was an amalgamation of many different animal parts fusing into each other. It was almost as if he represented the aspect of interfusing itself.

Paisley: There was also time from the perspective of the development of modernity.

Fifi: I think I understand how this interfusing connects with fractals. Themes from each layer repeat themselves on smaller scales throughout the book. That sounds like a difficult undertaking.

Paisley: I wonder what inspired him to write a book in such a complex manner.

Fifi: Why don't we explore that at another time. 


Mandelbrot the Tree: Black Gold Blend Coffee

NEWLY ARRIVED! Mandelbrot the Tree: Black Gold Blend coffee by Dean's Beans ! Journey along with Gregor as you read Mandelbrot the Tree:...